Real Facts Promotions

Snapple began printing “Real Facts” in 2002. Over the years, they added new facts in new promotions. In some cases, new promotions partially or exclusively used old facts.

Real Facts Promotions

Year Promotion Numbers Colors
2002 Set 1 1-109 Blue/White/Yellow/Green
2003 Set 2 110-190 Blue/White/Yellow/Green
2003 Set 3 191-229 Blue/White/Yellow/Green
2003 Yard Sale 1-190* Silver/Yellow
2004 Snaffle** 230-395 Red
2004 Lemons ‘R Lucky* 230-427 (selected) Yellow
2005 VW Beetle 230-395 Lime green
2005 Win A Favor 396-497 Red
N/A Never Printed 498-672 N/A
2009 Silver “S” Logo 673-928 Silver
2011 Maroon 5 929-941 Gold
2012 America’s Got Talent 942-953 Red
2013 Win Nothing Instantly 673-989 Blue
2015 Best Stuff On Earth, Set 1**** 674-1031 Silver
2015 Chicago Bears 1032-1087 Black
2015 (???) Best Stuff On Earth, Set 2**** 1088-1132 Silver
2016 For A Limited Time Only 1133-1220 Blue/Red
2017-2020 Best Stuff On Earth, Set 3**** 1221-1501 Silver
2020-present Plastic Bottle Cap Era 1502-1953 Blue/White

* The Yellow Yard Sale caps largely go from 110-190 but include at least the following caps (though less common): 1, 11, 19, 22, 25, 48, 50, 53, 55, 56, 65, 79, 82, 109
** There are Yellow Snaffle caps for the same numbers as the Lemons R’ Lucky caps
*** The Win Nothing Instantly caps also include at least the following caps (though less common): 27, 33, 61, 82, 84, 92, 94, 147, 163, 214, 215, 302, 355, 444
**** The Best Stuff on Earth caps include caps from 1-1501. I’m not sure what the highest BSOE cap was (I have 1501) and I’m not sure what years Sets 2 and 3 were issued.